How to Calculate an Elevation Gain for a Treadmill
Whenever we travel for work or when the weather goes against our training schedule, the trusty treadmill can be a real life saver to get the workout done. Here’s how you can get the elevation training in using a treadmill!
Things You’ll Need: Smart Phone Calculator App
Step 1
Note the percent grade, or incline, setting of your treadmill. For example, 6 percent.
Step 2
Divide the percent grade by 100. For example, 6 / 100 = 0.06.
Step 3
Calculate the horizontal distance you have run on the treadmill. For example, you have run 2.5 kilometers. 2500m x cos [arctan (0.06)] = 2500m x cos [ 3.43º ] = 2500m x 0.998 = 2495m.
Step 4
Multiply your answer by 0.06. For example, 2495m x 0.06 = 149.7m. You have completed an elevation gain of approximately 150 meters (rounded up).
Using Arctangent
Work Out Slope Distance
Divide your target elevation gain by the percent grade and divide by the cosine of the arctangent of the slope ratio. For example, 150m / 0.06 = 2500m / 0.998 = 2505m.
Work Out Percent Grade
Divide your target elevation gain by the horizontal distance. For example, 150m / (2500m x 0.998)= 0.06 x 100 = 6.